Saturday, May 10, 2014

Childhood Memories Influence Your Current Tastes - Life Review

How do memories of emotional reactions to food, drinks and other things from childhood affect you in adulthood? How did this being discover how an emotional memory only compromised his life and living experience later in his life? How can you assist and support yourself to release emotional memories and try out new foods and drinks without having any interference from those memories?

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A Knock on the Head - Death Research - Part 1

Why was this man so shocked in the moment of his death in terms of how everything seemed to come together so perfectly to contribute to his death? Why did he have more access to seeing the design of his relationships with other people in his life during this interview? What does he have to share about the design of relationships that people who are in their minds have not yet had access to?

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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Day 224: What's the First Step to Caring For Real?

"It's as if we think that if we allow ourself to be self honest about what we are really doing and who we really are in our behavior and actions, that then we'll see ourself as bad or wrong or evil, and yet it's just the opposite in a way where when we are hiding that reality from ourself, that is actually what we could call evil, because then you are going to continue in such behavior all the while pretending you're not. So rather we would want to face the truth of ourselves, so we can really see what it is that we are doing, because then we can change our input as what we are living into this world, and that would change the output, of what we get back from the world. So we would become the cure for the nastiness that exist in the world by starting with ourselves first."

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Day 224: What's the First Step to Caring For Real?

"It's as if we think that if we allow ourself to be self honest about what we are really doing and who we really are in our behavior and actions, that then we'll see ourself as bad or wrong or evil, and yet it's just the opposite in a way where when we are hiding that reality from ourself, that is actually what we could call evil, because then you are going to continue in such behavior all the while pretending you're not. So rather we would want to face the truth of ourselves, so we can really see what it is that we are doing, because then we can change our input as what we are living into this world, and that would change the output, of what we get back from the world. So we would become the cure for the nastiness that exist in the world by starting with ourselves first."

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Sunday, May 4, 2014

The world's 10 oldest living trees

"These ancient trees have bore witness to the rise and fall of civilizations, survived changing climates, and even persevered through the fervent development of human industry. They are a testament to the long view that Mother Nature takes in tending the Earth. With that in mind, consider the world's 10 oldest living trees" #HumbledbyNature #LivingIncomeGuaranteed #Earth

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