Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Woman's Journey to Life: Do you want more? - Day 405

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Fact and Reality in one corner, Opinion and the Mind in the other…let the Games Begin (Part 2):...

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Creation's Journey to Life: Day 463: Can Animals be Brainwashed?

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Activist's Journey To Life: Day 415: Who Wants to Win a... Baby?

Wow - you can win a BABY on this TV Game Show - what does this show about the state of things in the world where babies are abandoned and are given away on TV???

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Day 444 Paranoia of Greedy People

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What's Our Price? - Day 454

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Activist's Journey To Life: Day 414: How much does it Cost to be President?

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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Minimum Wage Doesn't Apply to Everyone

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Yemeni girl from YouTube wants education, not marriage

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Worldwide Support Grows for Iraq Human Rights Hearing

22 Iraq War vets committing suicide on average per day

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Day 53: Productivity Instead of Stress

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Activist's Journey To Life: Day 413: Noble Words

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Creation's Journey to Life: Day 462: Natural Learning Ability and World Change

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Day 442 Paranoia of 'We Could Losing Everything'

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Monday, July 29, 2013

Is the McDonald's McDouble the 'cheapest, most nutritious and bountiful food that has ever...

For those in poverty the 'best' option is fast food - Proper Nutrition should be a Basic Human Right - support Basic Income Guaranteed -

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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Activist's Journey To Life: Day 412: I'm sorry my Existence Inconveniences you

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A Director's Journey to Life: Day 338: The Birth of Liberal Empire and the Commonwealth

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Creation's Journey to Life: Day 461: Skeptics Failed the Jesus Message

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Day 258: Planned Obsolescence keeps us Happy

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The Mind’s Sourdough Effect: DAY 225

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Day 242: The EFF and Land Redistribution in South Africa ~ Economist's Journey to Life

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Creation's Journey to Life: Day 460: Transhumanism: the Rise of the Machine – Part 1

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A skeptic's Journey to Life.: Day 411 - Why can't I be happy for another?

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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Day 336: Pop Star Bankers and the Dumb Populace

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Friday, July 26, 2013

The unification of man: [JTL 81] Deprogramming anxiety word by word

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Day 257: The Real News

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Day 222: Surreal is the New Real

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Day 177: How Companies Justify Poverty Wages: The Solution 2

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When the promise of Relationship activates instant Metamorphosis: DAY 431 | Heaven's Journey to Life

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We know how we See through our Physical Eyes, but how do we See in the Mind? DAY 430 | Heaven's...

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Creation's Journey to Life: Day 459: BIG Pilot Project Namibia: a Perspective

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Christine's Journey to Life: Day 362 - The Dutiful Wife

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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What we do in the Mind is what we Live in this World: DAY 429 | Heaven's Journey to Life

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We’ve got the past, present and future – also ‘The Now’, but what about HERE? Part 4 - DAY 428 |...

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Activist's Journey To Life: Day 410: This Baby will Fix the World

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Christine's Journey to Life: Day 361 - Military Propaganda

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A skeptic's Journey to Life.: Day 406 - I Challenge Individuality

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A Teacher's Journey to Life: Opposing Authority - Kindergarten Paranoia (Pt.3) - DAY 38

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The Violence of Organized Forgetting

BRILLIANT deconstruction on how neoliberal casino capitalism has transformed American democracy into a nation engaged with endless warfare for the benefit of conscienceless consumption by institutionalized amnesiacs consigned to a future of soft authoritarianism, panoptical surveillance and a youth's identity informed by commercialism. Read it and weep. Then do something about it. - Darryl Thomas

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The Two Year Window

"...These problems incur large costs. Think about the lost wages from serious mental health problems, which total $200 billion a year, according to a 2008 study from the American Journal of Psychiatry. Or think about the expense of incarcerating criminals: about $60 billion a year, according to a 2006 study from the Commission on Safety and Abuse in America’s Prisons. Childhood adversity obviously doesn’t account for all of these sums. But if the studies are correct, then adversity explains a significant portion—certainly in the tens of billions of dollars. And the implications go beyond mental illness or crime. Children who fail to develop coping mechanisms struggle from the earliest days in school, because even the slightest provocations or setbacks destroy their focus and attention. They can’t sit still and read. They have trouble standing in line. They lash out at classmates or teachers. And these struggles, naturally, lead to other problems that perpetuate the cycle of poverty. All of this is to say that the science of early childhood may play a significant role in the dominant political question of our time: rising inequality...." This is a 'Must Read' Article.

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In Climbing Income Ladder, Location Matters

This problem would be solved by Basic Income Guaranteed as all jobs would pay enough to have a dignified living, you would not have to go to such lengths just to find a job that pays enough to just get by.

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Garbrielle's Journey to Life: “What If I was More” – Day 329

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Activist's Journey To Life: Day 409: Revelations

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Creation's Journey to Life: Day 457: World Teachers 2013: It is Time

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Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 333: Berlusconi - Showing The World how to stay Out of Jail - since 1994.

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Day 435 Paranoia of Being Reacted To

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“There Must Be Something Wrong With Me” – DAY 224

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Creation's Journey to Life: Day 457: World Teachers 2013: It is Time

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Day 256: Inflation of Reality: Bodybuilding

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Day 255: Being a Patient and the System of care

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7 Year Journey to Life: Day 385 - My Inflated Version of Myself

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A Director's Journey to Life: Day 331: I am Not No-Thing, yet.

"I realized Why we are walking to Nothingness; in a way I have been wondering why we were not in fact walking to Awareness as that would be my assumption of who and what we are, 'we are 'something', right?, but are we? What and who creates this Reality?"

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Activist's Journey To Life: Day 408: Take that, you Stupid Planet!

"We have done many things to our home. We have nuked it, bombarded it, spilled toxic wastes, deforested it, dried up rivers, made new rivers, dried up dams, dries up seas, made new dams, pumped gas and smoke into the air, stripped natural habitats to make way for farms to feed our fat ungrateful faces, and a whole lot more. What's four more bombs, right?"

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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Noam Chomsky Quotes

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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Meet The 17-Year-Old Who Blew The Lid Off Racial Profiling With His iPod

The random stop-and-fisking is to instill fear to control and attemp to limit crime that way. Obviously not an effective solution as this disturbs many lives. Most crime would be stopped through ensuring all the right to a proper life with a proper education and a proper way to make a living - Everyone should have a right to live a dignified life and not be harrassed by those who are meant to protect - even the police are doing this because it threatens their job, their income - thus support the Basic Income Guaranteed which provides all who would need with an income sufficient to live, thus you'd be able to stand up and say no to such practices without fear of losing your means of living.

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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Jorge Villa

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Adrian Blackburn

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Monday, July 8, 2013

Noam Chomsky: Who Owns the Earth?

Wow this article really puts into perspective the point of 'borders', when you look at how/why they were formed in the first place, really makes you consider why they're still here, and really it seems to just serve as a line to fight across.. Definitely a Must-Read -

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My Existential History - Kryon - Part 21

"Wow... I remember going to the local library and picking up a copy of a Kryon book. I remember feeling a bit disenchanted in reading that a bunch of fluffy-sounding flower-hat blandishments and empty feel-good platitudes. Nothing in it about why there wasn't anything being communicated to anyone how to take practical steps in correcting what was going badly in this world for so many people. The book, in other words, was filled with useless information. THIS however, places invaluable worthwhile assistance and thus is the real thing. Thanks for the GIFTING!" - Darryl Thomas

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Friday, July 5, 2013

Noam Chomsky Quotes

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Thursday, July 4, 2013

My Existential History - Kryon - Part 24

Did we create words, or did words create us? Do we define the words we live, or do words define who we are and what we live? How are words, through channeled messages, used as a tool to control human beings?

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Worry: The Nature of Worry - Atlanteans - Part 109

How is worry created within us? What other energies are involved within the creation of worry? Does worry have a purpose in our lives and experiences?

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The Crucifixion of Jesus - Part 38

*Living Words - Part 2: Clarity* How do you live the word "clarity"? What is clarity? What does it mean to live the word "clarity"? How can clarity support you in your process of self honesty?

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Sins of the Fathers - Life Review

Why do sons feel compelled to "continue the legacy" of their fathers? How do sons, in one way or another, become their fathers? How do you stop the cycle of repeating and reliving the sins of the fathers?

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Talking to Animals - Reptilians - Part 206

*This is based on what is discussed in the Consciousness of the Panda interviews.* Why is there such a severe state of separation between animals and people? Why are people unable to communicate with animals? Was there ever a relationship based on communication between man and animals? Is there a potential for such a relationship to develop?

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The Consciousness of the Panda – Part 2

How do humans’ attempts at recreating natural environments influence animals' relationships with Nature? What are the consequences of this, to both animals and nature? Why is it so difficult for children to relate to animals when, for example, visiting Zoos?

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Monday, July 1, 2013

Up and Down, Back and Forth - 2013 - The Future of Consciousness - Part 21

Why do we keep our perceptions about certain situations "negative"? How do these negative experiences toward the situations fuel a "positive reward" experience? How does this internal dynamic ensure that we never change?

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Stuck - The Soul of Money

How do we set ourselves up to remain within an undesired personal economic situation? How does our resistance toward our current financial position prevent us from improving our position? How can we assist and support ourselves to move ourselves out of this mindset to be able to change our financial situation?

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I am Magnificent (Part 1) - Reptilians - Part 205

How have we come to see ourselves within our imagination as being significantly more than or better than what we actually are in reality? Why do we believe our imagination over the actual feedback we receive from reality?

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The Consciousness of the Panda – Part 1

To what extent are Pandas reliant on their connection to their natural habitat/environment? How does the Panda's relationship with the natural environment differ from their relationship with a man-made environment? How does the removal from their natural habits influence the development of their relationship with nature?

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Workplace Dynamics - Life Review

How did this woman experience the dynamics in her workplace of being in a position superior to men? What has she now realised about those dynamics and what she could have done differently to improve them?

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Embarrassment: Sounding Self Forgiveness - Atlanteans – Part 108

How can we sound self forgiveness for releasing experiences of Embarrassment? How have we limited our ability to see an event for what it is because of our starting point when looking at it? How can we assist and support ourselves to see an event for what it is and not get caught up in the emotional turmoil of it?

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