Friday, January 31, 2014

Why the leaders of the two largest developed economies are begging companies to raise pay

"Higher salaries for workers eat into corporate profits, and with high unemployment in the US and low labor force participation in Japan, there isn’t the labor scarcity needed to force companies to pay their workers better. So why are they pursuing this quixotic task? +In a word: deflation. Wage increases would help create positive inflation, but equally important, they would ameliorate stagnant incomes seen in both Japan and the US in recent years and goose domestic demand. Japanese wages have been falling since 2000, while US wages still haven’t come close to regaining their pre-crisis highs." What is missing is providing higher wages in an overall model that no only 'raises wages' but also expands consumer base: this is done through providing a Living Income to non-workers and so, corporate profits won't be 'eaten' by giving 'higher wages' and instead will actually gain new costumers in exchange of providing higher wages to their workers. We all have to give in order to receive too - Investigate the Living Income Guaranteed Proposal: #livingincome #basicincome #higherwages

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