Tuesday, December 31, 2013

SeaTac’s minimum wage workers might not get their raise after all

This is why we need a LIG, because our jobs don't guarantee a living. http://livingincome.me

via Facebook http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/12/29/seatacs-minimum-wage-workers-might-not-get-their-raise-after-all/

Monday, December 30, 2013

Switzerland’s Proposal to Pay People for Being Alive

What we need in America as well - see the Living Income Guaranteed by Equal Life Foundation http://livingincome.me

via Facebook http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/17/magazine/switzerlands-proposal-to-pay-people-for-being-alive.html?smid=fb-share

Creation's Journey to Life: Day 139: The Rapture and True Activism

via Facebook http://creationsjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2012/08/day-139-rapture-and-true-activism.html?spref=fb

Day 257: Living Income Practicality

via Facebook http://t.co/FLzIdvovFY

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Culture Clash - Life Review

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/culture-clash-life-review

Life and Death (Part 1) - Reptilians - Part 254

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/life-and-death-part-1-reptilians-part-254

Stubbornness: Overcoming - Atlanteans - Part 155

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/stubbornness-overcoming-atlanteans-part-155

Day 239: How to Get Rid of Resentment: Part 3

via Facebook http://sandysjourneytolife.wordpress.com/2013/12/28/day-239-how-to-get-rid-of-resentment-part-3/

Freedom'sJourney to Life: Day 239: This World Needs Responsible Creativity

"It's so strange to me how we'll see these photographs of various problems in our world, from crime, to war, to poverty, to guns, homelessness, depicted and glorified as 'art', with the emphasis being placed more on the 'beauty' and 'style' and 'artistic composition' of the photos rather than the fact that what we're looking at is part of everyone's reality, part of this world, and how -- it is a problem that requires a solution. http://www.matterfreeman.com/2013/12/day-239-this-world-needs-responsible.html" Matti Freeman

via Facebook http://www.matterfreeman.com/2013/12/day-239-this-world-needs-responsible.html

'You Plan On Sending Your Kids To College. It's Now Out Of The Question.'

via Facebook http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/18/larry-silveira_n_4468840.html

Only one in four Americans who are happy at work would retire if they won the lottery

"Americans who love their jobs really love their jobs. Gallup asked “engaged” workers whether they would quit working if they won the lottery, and only 25% said they would. Another 12% said they would take another job, and 63% said they’d stick it out in their current position. 40% of “actively disengaged” would quit work altogether. Gallup also notes that these workers aren’t emotionally involved in their jobs and tend to be less productive. For them, it’s only about the paycheck." It is a myth that people would stop working if there's an option to not work and get money to live. We as human beings require to be creative and active in order to have a fulfilling living experience.

via Facebook http://qz.com/160611/only-one-in-four-americans-who-are-happy-at-work-would-retire-if-they-won-the-lottery/

Daily Kos: Productivity growth rises to four-year high. Wages don't

"The vast majority of U.S. workers—including white-collar and blue-collar workers and those with and without a college degree—have endured more than a decade of wage stagnation. Wage growth has significantly underperformed productivity growth regardless of occupation, gender, race/ethnicity, or education level." For higher wages to genuinely reflect economic growth, investigate how to implement the Living Income Guaranteed: Labor is the action of the human with a measurable value which will be like the accumulation of interest and you’ll have a compound interest effect, which will have the effect of an ever expanding economy, ensuring that everyone in the country has sufficient support to have a dignified life. This is a fascinating point that economists should have adopted long ago, but unfortunately labor has been demonized instead of realizing that that is the actual only real interest that can exist within a system based on money. http://wp.me/p42l71-2z

via Facebook http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/12/16/1263101/-Productivity-growth-rises-to-four-year-high-Wages-don-t

I work 4 jobs and I'm still struggling

"37 Years old, College Degree and he brings home about $400 a week, or $20,000 per year, and has joined the nationwide movement of fast food protests fighting for higher wages. "I've come to the point in my life where I wonder if I can ever support a family," he said. "I have no idea how that's ever going to logically happen." Providing Higher Wages is a Human Right, not a perpetual struggle: http://livingincome.me/

via Facebook http://money.cnn.com/2013/12/12/news/economy/4-low-wage-part-time-jobs/index.html

Nationalization: It's Not Scary, It's All Around You

This shows how fears and resistance toward 'Nationalization' are ridiculous when we accept and utilize such services every day without a second thought.

via Facebook http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-sirota/nationalization-its-not-s_b_170150.html

Saturday, December 28, 2013

NY, dozen others raising minimum wage in 2014

It's a drop in the bucket but at least it is some movement to get the ball rolling toward having effective compensation for all labor.

via Facebook http://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/local/2013/12/28/ny-dozen-others-raising-minimum-wage-in-2014/4231273/

An Earthling's Journey to Life: Day 488 | What was first, the System or the Human

via Facebook http://misfitsoftheshockingtruth.blogspot.com/2013/12/day-488-what-was-first-system-or-human.html

Booming Solar Energy Halted by Hawaii Utility Because Sun Produces Too Much Power!

via Facebook http://www.truth-out.org/buzzflash/commentary/item/18389-booming-solar-energy-halted-by-hawaii-utility-because-it-produces-too-much-power

Kristina's Journey to Life: 291: Skipping School

via Facebook http://equalitywalk.blogspot.com/2013/12/291-skipping-school.html

A Woman's Journey to Life: Voice Tonality - Sharpness - Day 434

via Facebook http://mayaprocess.blogspot.se/2013/12/voice-tonality-sharpness-day-434.html

Hobbies? We'd rather watch the television: One in four now lists activity as their favourite pastime

via Facebook http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2529641/Hobbies-Wed-watch-television-One-four-lists-activity-favourite-pastime.html

The Horror of suburbia's squalid pet monkey trade: Thanks to stars like Justin Bieber the...

"When Public figures make the lowest denominator go trending as 'cool' - we've got a serious problem. Not that it's anything new. The problem is simply becoming more obvious in its absurdity. How we sanctify characters that represent nothing but thin air..." Anna Brix Thomsen

via Facebook http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2530146/The-Horror-suburbias-squalid-pet-monkey-trade-Thanks-stars-like-Justin-Bieber-animals-rage-fad-shocking-cruelty.html

Are you being duped by the sales? Shopper fury at 'deals' that were cheaper before Christmas

via Facebook http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2529675/Are-duped-sales-Shopper-fury-deals-cheaper-Christmas.html

Knock Knock where am I?

via Facebook http://arvydasjourney.wordpress.com/2013/12/26/knock-knock-where-am-i/

Friday, December 27, 2013

Activist's Journey To Life: Day 489: After Christmas Special

via Facebook http://activistsjourneytolife.blogspot.se/2013/12/day-489-after-christmas-special.html

A Schizophrenic's journey to life - Tormods proces of change: My addictions : 2. Alcohol - Day 255

via Facebook http://t.co/ySRSRTPWWm

Desteni Newsletter - December 26, 2013

via Facebook http://newsletter.desteni.org/letters/142-desteni-newsletter-december-26-2013

A dead whale just washed ashore. What they found in its belly implicates Trader Joe's.

We need to clarify our laws to prevent this from happening and develop effective relationships with our companies which provide our food and groceries to work together on solutions and sustainable practices that benefit all life and don't cause unnecessary harm and degradation.

via Facebook http://action.sumofus.org/a/sperm-whale-plastic-tesco/4/2/

via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/693324440688326/

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Positive Energy Vs Self Expression - Reptilians - Part 253

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/positive-energy-vs-self-expression-reptilians-part-253

Charts: Corporate profits boom while long-term unemployment soars

"However, there currently are more than 4 million Americans who have been unemployed for six months or longer. Not since the Great Depression has the United States experienced such massive and persistent long-term unemployment. "

via Facebook http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2013/12/longterm-unemployment-recession-charts

Jessica Arias

via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jessieariasu/posts/453261008113222

What is Trust - Life Review

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/what-is-trust-life-review

Haunting Memories - Quantum Systemization - Part 36

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/haunting-memories-quantum-systemization-part-36

Ghostly Caress - The Quantum Mechanics of Paranormal Events - Part 14

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/ghostly-caress-the-quantum-mechanics-of-paranormal-events-part-14

From golf balls and lighters to action figures: Hungry albatross chicks are swallowing our...

via Facebook http://dailym.ai/JYRrBC

Monday, December 23, 2013

9 Out Of 10 Americans Are Completely Wrong About This Mind-Blowing Fact

Wow this puts our wealth inequality into perspective in indeed a mind-blowing way

via Facebook http://www.upworthy.com/9-out-of-10-americans-are-completely-wrong-about-this-mind-blowing-fact-2?g=2&c=reccon1

2 People Described The Same Person To A Forensic Artist And This Is What Happened

Wow this really shows how the perception we have of ourselves is very different than what others see, and from reality

via Facebook http://www.upworthy.com/2-people-described-the-same-person-to-a-forensic-artist-and-this-is-what-happene?g=2&c=reccon1

Saturday, December 21, 2013

This Man Stumbled Into An Abandoned House In The Woods. He Didn't Realize He Wasn't Alone.

via Facebook http://distractify.com/culture/arts/kai-fagerstrom-discovers-incredible-life-inside-an-abandoned-house-in-the-woods/

Freedom'sJourney to Life: Day 235: From Ego to Empathy - Part 1

via Facebook http://www.matterfreeman.com/2013/12/day-235-from-ego-to-empathy-part-1.html

Effective Communication - Life Review

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/effective-communication-life-review

The Life and Death of an Idea - Death Research - Part 4

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/the-life-and-death-of-an-idea-death-research-part-4

The Life and Death of an Idea - Death Research - Part 3

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/the-life-and-death-of-an-idea-death-research-part-3

Enter Natural Self Expression - Reptilians - Part 252

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/enter-natural-self-expression-reptilians-part-252

Only one in four Americans who are happy at work would retire if they won the lottery

"Americans who love their jobs really love their jobs. Gallup asked “engaged” workers whether they would quit working if they won the lottery, and only 25% said they would. Another 12% said they would take another job, and 63% said they’d stick it out in their current position. 40% of “actively disengaged” would quit work altogether. Gallup also notes that these workers aren’t emotionally involved in their jobs and tend to be less productive. For them, it’s only about the paycheck." It is a myth that people would stop working if there's an option to not work and get money to live. We as human beings require to be creative and active in order to have a fulfilling living experience.

via Facebook http://qz.com/160611/only-one-in-four-americans-who-are-happy-at-work-would-retire-if-they-won-the-lottery/

Confidence: The End - Atlanteans - Part 153

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/confidence-the-end-atlanteans-part-153

Parental Emotional Roller Coaster - Perfecting the Human Race - Parenting - Part 34

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/parental-emotional-roller-coaster-perfecting-the-human-race-parenting-part-34

Activist's Journey To Life: Day 485: Money Versus Survival

via Facebook http://shar.es/Oi06B

'When You Make This Kind Of Money, You Don't Eat Much'

via Facebook http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/18/bernadette-feazell_n_4469116.html

These 2 Cities Are Now Exclusively For Rich People

via Facebook http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/20/rich-people-cities_n_4467155.html

China’s obsession with rhino horns is sending South African rhino deaths through the roof

via Facebook http://qz.com/159902/chinas-obsession-with-rhino-horns-is-sending-south-african-rhino-deaths-through-the-roof/

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Minimum Wage and McDonald's Welfare

via Facebook http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-12-17/the-minimum-wage-and-mcdonald-s-welfare.html

Desteni Newsletter - December 19, 2013

via Facebook http://newsletter.desteni.org/letters/140-desteni-newsletter-december-19-2013

Living Income Newsletter - December 19, 2013

via Facebook http://newsletter.desteni.org/letters/139-living-income-newsletter-december-19-2013

BBC News - Swiss to vote on incomes for all - working or not

via Facebook http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-25415501

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Pentagon’s $365 million mandate to indoctrinate our children

This is a Must Read article!

via Facebook http://www.salon.com/2013/12/16/the_pentagons_365_million_mandate_to_indoctrinate_our_children_partner/

The Life and Death of an Idea - Death Research - Part 2

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/the-life-and-death-of-an-idea-death-research-part-2

The Life and Death of an Idea - Death Research - Part 1

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/the-life-and-death-of-an-idea-death-research-part-1

Home-Grown Gender Designs - Life Review

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/home-grown-gender-designs-life-review

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Awareness - The Metaphysical Secrets of Imagination - Part 32

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/awareness-the-metaphysical-secrets-of-imagination-part-32

Demons in the Afterlife - Part 30

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/demons-in-the-afterlife-part-30

Higher Mind and Lower Body - Quantum Mind Self Awareness

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/higher-mind-and-lower-body-quantum-mind-self-awareness

Living Income Guaranteed

Hot off the press! Living Income Guaranteed is out! http://paper.li/f-1378209956

via Facebook http://paper.li/f-1378209956

Mike McDonald's Journey to Life: Day 535 Why Do I Resist Things? Part 2

via Facebook http://michaelwilliammcdonald.blogspot.com/2013/12/day-535-why-do-i-resist-things-part-2.html

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Water in your body

via Facebook http://www.nestle-waters.com/healthy-hydration/water-body

Day 255: How will Companies be Nationalized and What does it Mean? LIG ~ Economist's Journey to Life

via Facebook http://t.co/iU0fJx9AIg

Kevin Ruscoe

via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/kevinharold.ruscoe/posts/166347036908548

7 Year Journey to Life: Day 513 - How Much is Enough at Christmas?

via Facebook http://7yearjourneytolifekims.blogspot.com/2013/12/day-513-how-much-is-enough-at-christmas.html?fb_action_ids=10152047735433076&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%7B%2210152047735433076%22%3A556922381058130%7D&action_type_map=%7B%2210152047735433076%22%3A%22og.likes%22%7D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D

Activist's Journey To Life: Day 482: Privatization - When Money Outweighs Everything Else

"There are some things in life that should be freely given, freely accessible, to all living beings: food, shelter, healthcare, education, clean water, the opportunity to earn a good living. To put a price on these things is to dehumanize us, to diminish the value of a life. It is the act of nullifying the love that a parent feels for their child, because it makes them absolutely helpless and incapable of doing anything to improve the life of their child. This is a crime against life."

via Facebook http://activistsjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/12/day-482-privatization-when-money.html

Day 253: What the hell is wrong with you?!

via Facebook http://adriansjourneytolife.wordpress.com/2013/12/13/day-253-what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-you/

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Three Ways the Super-Rich Suck Wealth Out of the Rest of Us

via Facebook http://truth-out.org/buzzflash/commentary/item/18357-three-ways-the-super-rich-suck-wealth-out-of-the-rest-of-us

Friday, December 13, 2013

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

'The women who sold their daughters into sex slavery

"When we came here three years ago and began to live here, 100% of the kids between 8 and 12 were being trafficked," says Brewster. The local sex industry sweeps up both children from the neighborhood -- sold, like Kieu, by their parents – as well as children trafficked in from the countryside, or across the border from Vietnam. "We didn't believe it until we saw vanload after vanload of kids."

via Facebook http://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2013/12/world/cambodia-child-sex-trade/?sr=sharebar_facebook

Demons in the Afterlife - Part 29

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/demons-in-the-afterlife-part-29

Responsibility: Learning to Help - Reptilians - Part 250

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/responsibility-learning-to-help-reptilians-part-250

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Adrian Blackburn

via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/adrianpblackburn/posts/10152029896058186

Creation's Journey to Life: Day 120: True Activist Politics

"I commit myself to SHOW that Democracy is the Legally Accepted Way through which the Majority Can Ensure Equal Economic Support for All Life to Ensure the Practical Living of “Love thy Neighbor as Thyself”." Bernard Poolman

via Facebook http://creationsjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2012/08/day-120-true-activist-politics.html

Americans who say “college isn’t for everyone” never mean their own kids

via Facebook http://qz.com/155397/americans-who-say-college-isnt-for-everyone-never-mean-their-own-kids/

Monday, December 9, 2013

Literal Android: Google develops robots to replace people in manufacturing, retail

The ROBOTS are coming! The supermarkets have self check out cashiers, the post service have automated scanning system, the auto industries have robot welding and assembling machines, etc... With more advance robots on the way, guess what more profits for the corporations & less demand for labors - Unemployment on the rise. Investigate why a Living Income Guaranteed by Equal Life Foundation is a common sense approach to the near future.

via Facebook http://rt.com/usa/google-rubin-robots-drones-779/

Why I Favor a Minimum Wage of $12.50

"I favor a $12.50 #minimumwage because worker productivity increases every year (primarily due to #technology advances), but businesses do not tend to share this benefit to general efficiency with low-end workers. In other words, each year that the minimum wage does not increase, #businesses are essentially pocketing the profits from low-end wage earners’ increased productivity. A $12.50 minimum wage would share the #productivity gains of recent years with low-end wage earners." - Santi Tafarella The way to increase wages within a sustainable model is through implementing a #LivingIncome Guaranteed model in the US and around the globe. #basicincome

via Facebook http://santitafarella.wordpress.com/2013/12/08/why-i-favor-a-minimum-wage-of-12-50/

6 Toxic Relationship Habits Most People Think Are Normal

via Facebook http://markmanson.net/6-toxic-habits

Harvard scientist urges people to stop drinking “low-fat” milk

via Facebook http://www.undergroundhealth.com/harvard-low-fat-milk/

The Prison Industry in the United States: Big Business or a New Form of Slavery?

via Facebook http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-prison-industry-in-the-united-states-big-business-or-a-new-form-of-slavery/8289

The Truth about Santa Claus and Christmas (Part 1) - Day 429

via Facebook http://nblo.gs/ROXyK

Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Physical-Motion and E(energy/mind)-Motion of Process | Heaven's Journey to Life

DAY 475: "The other day, I explained the following example to an individual that will give perspective of ‘process’ and also give perspective of why/how it is that one ‘sometimes feel stable’ and at other times overwhelmed when it comes to the Mind:.."

via Facebook http://heavensjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/12/the-physical-motion-and-eenergymind.html

Insecurity: Insecurity-Confidence Polarity - Atlanteans - Part 150

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/insecurity-insecurity-confidence-polarity-atlanteans-part-150

Responsibility in the Face of Another - Reptilians - Part 249

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/responsibility-in-the-face-of-another-reptilians-part-249

Reactions to Nature - Life Review

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/reactions-to-nature-life-review

Saturday, December 7, 2013

How to heal cavities naturally - Live Free, Live Natural

via Facebook http://livefreelivenatural.com/heal-cavities-naturally/

Kristina's Journey to Life: 281: Seeing More of "Me" through MEmories

via Facebook http://equalitywalk.blogspot.com/2013/12/281-seeing-more-of-me-through-memories.html

The Consciousness of the Octopus - Part 3

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/the-consciousness-of-the-octopus-part-3

The Consciousness of the Octopus - Part 2

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/the-consciousness-of-the-octopus-part-2

The Consciousness of the Octopus - Part 1

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/the-consciousness-of-the-octopus-part-1

Responsibility - Reptilians - Part 248

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/responsibility-reptilians-part-248

Energy, Energy, Energy - Life Review

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/energy-energy-energy-life-review

Insecurity: Self Forgiveness - Atlanteans - Part 149

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/insecurity-self-forgiveness-atlanteans-part-149

Friends and Memories (Part 2) - Quantum Systemization - Part 35

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/friends-and-memories-part-2-quantum-systemization-part-35

Murdered - Death Research - Part 4

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/murdered-death-research-part-4

Murdered - Death Research - Part 3

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/murdered-death-research-part-3

Friday, December 6, 2013

Day 253: Living Income Guaranteed and Means Testing

The purpose of LIG in its most basic form is to provide a Living Income to those individuals who are unemployed or retired. Similarly to how the system works in most countries today – if you are unemployed and want unemployment benefits you require to register yourself as unemployed. Therefore, those who are registered as unemployed will receive a LIG. Those who retire and wish ‘retirement benefits’ would also make it known that they are retiring – hence with LIG – those registered as retired will receive a Living Income.

via Facebook http://nblo.gs/RKvPA

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Voice Tonality - Impatience - Day 426

via Facebook http://nblo.gs/RIRCk

Kim Kardashian keeps 90 percent of proceeds from Philippines charity auction

via Facebook http://www.holymoly.com/celebrity/news/kim-kardashian-keeps-90-percent-proceeds-philippines-charity-auction67881

14-Year Old Girl Dies of Toxic Shock After The Introduction of a Tampon Into Her Body

via Facebook http://www.realfarmacy.com/14-year-old-girl-dies-of-toxic-shock-after-the-introduction-of-a-tampon-into-her-body/

A Teacher's Journey to Life: Is Equal Opportunity Possible in a One-Size-Fits-All Education...

via Facebook http://teachersjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/12/is-equal-opportunity-possible-in-one.html

Energy, Energy, Energy - Life Review

via Facebook https://eqafe.com/p/energy-energy-energy-life-review

Freedom'sJourney to Life: Day 220: Releasing Myself From Money Related Stress

via Facebook http://www.matterfreeman.com/2013/10/day-220-releasing-myself-from-money.html

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Walmart and Downton Abbey: Rampant Inequality and Detachment from Reality

"America has its own real-life upstairs/downstairs thing going on at the moment, best embodied by the Walton clan, who own the lion's share of Walmart Stores, Inc. Walmart is the single largest private employer in America with a work force of some 1.3 million. Each of the four Walton's who have an interest in the stores increased their net worth by $7bn last year alone. Meanwhile, the company's sales associates, who make up the bulk of the work-force, earn an average of $8.81 per hour – less than the federal poverty level for a family of four."

via Facebook https://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/11/29-6#.UpnrrWEmDVg.facebook

Day 459 - Justifications and professional survival pt1 - Is life possible without the mind?

via Facebook http://mindless-living.blogspot.com/2013/11/day-459-justifications-and-professional.html#.Upo7e7rWsqg

Noam Chomsky: Modern universities designed to ‘deprive you of your freedom’ | The Raw Story

via Facebook http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/11/29/chomsky-modern-universities-designed-to-deprive-you-of-your-freedom/

Once upon a time, there was a Thought, Awareness and a Water Drop…(Part Five): DAY 474 |...

"So, with each practical application process – where one CHANGE IN THE MOMENT, one will find with remaining consistent in one’s application, the thoughts / reactions will start becoming less and less intense. Until eventually, the thoughts / reactions will come up ever so slightly and will be really easy to simply breathe and stabilize oneself within." Sunette Sunette Destonian Spies

via Facebook http://heavensjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/11/once-upon-time-there-was-thought_30.html?spref=fb

Friday, November 29, 2013

Starving Syrians butcher a zoo's LION to eat

via Facebook http://dailym.ai/1jQyjAE

How These 5 Companies Will Ruin Their Employees' Thanksgivings This Year

#Consumerism and #Profit vs. Gratitude, Family Gatherings and Harmony - who wins? In order to stop resorting to public relations gimmicks to obtain the most profit, a new culture of genuine profit making schemes considering the labor of the worker first has emerged, otherwise protests will create a genuine #blackfriday #thanksgiving For #Business success and #LivingIncome Guaranteed: http://wp.me/p42l71-2s

via Facebook http://www.policymic.com/articles/73169/black-friday-2013-walmart-best-buy-and-others-to-ruin-thanksgiving

Desteni Forum • View topic - Tormod's blogg

"I have joined Desteni to learn thoughts and to learn my reactions to stop them and to prevent abuse and harm to occur in my life. I participate with self - forgiveness and self corrections so that I am following a sort of recipe that guides me to live my life from starts again, to start living a life real in awareness. As breath in honesty with self. And not controlled, hypnotizes and mesmerized, by media, sound programs, words, commercials and also products and news. I have engaged in a 7 year Journey to life to stop having feeling as addictions. I have engaged to stop letting emotions control my life and to stop having thoughts, reaction and energies to control my very existence. I am engaging in stopping and understanding the kind and understanding the very cores of the life I have lived. I am investigating time to forgive my secret mind and my memories every inched and every embracement of pre-programmed design. I am engaging in Desteni because I image that it is possible to save this world. I have engaged in work, walks, and writings with Desteni to tear down the walls of ego that is dominating this world with corruption and abuse, self interest and wars that should never be. I investigate time and efforts with Desteni to create a better world for children since they are to inherit this planet. I am engaging in saving this world for the best of all human, animal and plant or organism and ecosystem on it." - Tormod Hvidsten Gjedrem - http://bit.ly/18qX9YB

via Facebook http://bit.ly/18qX9YB

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Living Income Guaranteed and Labor Unions

"Labor unions should study the Living Income proposal and use their collective bargaining power to start working towards an economic solution that is effective for all the citizens in the country. Leaders that do not stand and deliver the basic necessities for all citizens and that do not protect the rights of the citizens as humans should not be elected that – this is the benefit we have with democracy" #basicincome #EqualLifeFoundation #EqualRights #TeamLife

via Facebook http://livingincomeguaranteed.wordpress.com/2013/07/03/living-income-guaranteed-and-labor-unions/

Mind + Virus Versus Body - Reptilians - Part 247

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/mind-virus-versus-body-reptilians-part-247

Distractions - Life Review

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/distractions-life-review

Insecurity: Introduction - Atlanteans - Part 148

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/insecurity-introduction-atlanteans-part-148

Murdered - Death Research - Part 2

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/murdered-death-research-part-2

Murdered - Death Research - Part 1

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/murdered-death-research-part-1

Creation's Journey to Life: Day 520: Why Are we Here on Earth? – Role of Death - Part 7

via Facebook http://creationsjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/11/day-520-why-are-we-here-on-earth-role.html

Traumas from Nature - Perfecting the Human Race - Parenting - Part 33

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/traumas-from-nature-perfecting-the-human-race-parenting-part-33

Demons in the Afterlife - Part 28

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/demons-in-the-afterlife-part-28

The Virus and the Body - Reptilians - Part 246

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/the-virus-and-the-body-reptilians-part-246

Self Pity: The Gift (Part 2) - Atlanteans - Part 147

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/self-pity-the-gift-part-2-atlanteans-part-147

Close Contact - Life Review

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/close-contact-life-review

My Primary Self - Journeys into the Afterlife - Part 53

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/my-primary-self-journeys-into-the-afterlife-part-53

Demons in the Afterlife - Part 27

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/demons-in-the-afterlife-part-27

A Woman's Journey to Life: The Mastery of Memories Manipulation - Day 426

via Facebook http://shar.es/DowNX

Inequality leads to ill health, while equality leads to longer life for all, study finds

via Facebook http://rt.com/business/gap-between-rich-poor-243/

Kristina's Journey to Life: 278: "In a Mood" = Expressing the Mind

via Facebook http://equalitywalk.blogspot.com/2013/11/278-in-mood-expressing-mind.html

Ten Most Radioactive Places on Earth Mapped Out [GRAPHIC]

via Facebook http://climateviewer.com/2013/11/24/10-most-radioactive-places-on-earth/

More than 11,000 Syrian children killed in civil war, report says

via Facebook http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/24/world/meast/syria-children-deaths/index.html?sr=sharebar_facebook

A thespian's Journey to Life: Day 358: SF on "Who should I be?" - group work and competitiveness

via Facebook http://thespianjourney.blogspot.com/2013/11/day-358-sf-on-who-should-i-be-group.html

Activist's Journey To Life: Day 470: I Deserve It

via Facebook http://shar.es/8NrEr

Monday, November 25, 2013

Day 519: Why Are we Here on Earth? Our Nature at Work - Part 6

via Facebook http://nblo.gs/Rquhr

Someone Recorded Crickets then Slowed Down the Track, And It Sounds Like Humans Singing

Wow, who would have known all this is going on in the expression of crickets. Shows how limited our perception is.

via Facebook http://truthseekerdaily.com/2013/11/someone-recorded-crickets-then-slowed-down-the-track-and-it-sounds-like-humans-singing/

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Friday, November 22, 2013

Christine's Journey to Life: Day 437 - Pushing Through Resistance

via Facebook http://christineannhansen.blogspot.com/2013/11/day-437-pushing-through-resistance.html

Desteni Newsletter - November 21, 2013

via Facebook http://newsletter.desteni.org/letters/127-desteni-newsletter-november-21-2013&t=Desteni%20Newsletter%20-%20November%2021%2c%202013

Once upon a time, there was a Thought, Awareness and a Water Drop…(Part Three): DAY 472 |...

via Facebook http://heavensjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/11/once-upon-time-there-was-thought_22.html

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Medical errors kill hundreds of thousands each year in the US

"Deadly medical errors can happen at even the most highly rated hospitals. New research shows that up to 440,000 people die every year in America from preventable medical mistakes. That would make it the third leading cause of death in the US, following heart disease and cancer."

via Facebook http://rt.com/usa/medical-errors-kill-galindo-924/

Monday, November 18, 2013

Creation's Journey to Life: Day 98: Humanity is ONE BODY, ONE LIFE

via Facebook http://creationsjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2012/07/day-98-humanity-is-one-body-one-life.html?spref=fb

Once upon a time, there was a Thought, Awareness and a Water Drop…(Part Two): DAY 471 | Heaven's...

via Facebook http://heavensjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/11/once-upon-time-there-was-thought_18.html

Reaction Prevention - Quantum Mind Self Awareness

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/reaction-prevention-quantum-mind-self-awareness

Special People for the Ghosts - The Quantum Mechanics of Paranormal Events - Part 13

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/special-people-for-the-ghosts-the-quantum-mechanics-of-paranormal-events-part-13

The Evolution of Viruses (Part 2) - Reptilians - Part 244

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/the-evolution-of-viruses-part-2-reptilians-part-244

Self Pity: The Gift - Atlanteans - Part 145

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/self-pity-the-gift-atlanteans-part-145

Sound, Emotions and the Body - Life Review

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/sound-emotions-and-the-body-life-review

Lance Armstrong's Excuse - Day 522

via Facebook http://paintersjourneytolife.wordpress.com/2013/11/18/lance-armstrongs-excuse-day-522/

Mike McDonald's Journey to Life: Day 512 Branding and Marketing part 4 Style

via Facebook http://michaelwilliammcdonald.blogspot.com/2013/11/day-512-branding-and-marketing-part-4.html

7 Year Journey to Life: Day 490 - When is Murder Ever Ok?

via Facebook http://7yearjourneytolifekims.blogspot.com/2013/11/day-490-when-is-murder-ever-ok.html

Why We Judge and Despise People as being Ugly: DAY 246

via Facebook http://annabrixthomsen.com/2013/11/16/why-peopl-judge-and-despise-people-as-being-ugly-day-246/

Google block on child porn: At last! Internet giant axes links

via Facebook http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2509036/Google-block-child-porn-At-Internet-giant-axes-links-vile-sex-abuse-websites-stunning-victory-Mail-campaign.html

The sins of the Fathers - Day 425

via Facebook http://nblo.gs/RcCyQ

Once upon a time, there was a Thought, Awareness and a Water Drop…DAY 470

via Facebook http://nblo.gs/RcB3B

Everyone's Talking About This Simple Solution To Ending Poverty By Just Giving People Free Money

via Facebook http://www.businessinsider.com/giving-all-americans-a-basic-income-would-end-poverty-2013-11

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Living Income Guaranteed Home - News, Education and Solutions

via Facebook http://livingincome.me/

Freedom'sJourney to Life: Day 224: How can we See if we only see Thoughts?

via Facebook http://www.matterfreeman.com/2013/11/day-224-how-can-we-see-if-we-only-see.html?spref=fb

A Woman's Journey to Life: We are the slaves of our Brain - Day 424

"This shows that the decision to stand up for a worthwhile change in the economic and political systems, a change that would benefit everyone on all level of lives, is controlled by our brain without our awareness. It also explain why the resistance for a change on a physical level exits - it is preprogrammed mechanism installed in our brain that activates every time we require to make a decision that is not part of our comfort zone where we have to decide whether the value of our self interest is less or more than the value of that which is best for all."

via Facebook http://shar.es/8JUbS

African Union head calls for end to child marriage

via Facebook http://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2013/nov/13/african-union-end-child-marriage

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Living Income Newsletter - November 14, 2013

via Facebook http://newsletter.desteni.org/letters/123-living-income-newsletter-november-14-2013

Courts quietly confirm MMR Vaccine causes Autism

via Facebook http://www.whydontyoutrythis.com/2013/08/courts-quietly-confirm-mmr-vaccine-causes-autism.html

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Practical Desteni: From Fighting time to Walking with Time (Part Two)

via Facebook http://practical-desteni.blogspot.com/2013/11/from-fighting-time-to-walking-with-time_13.html

Original Perfection - Reptilians - Part 242

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/original-perfection-reptilians-part-242

Mind-Made Choices - Life Review

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/mind-made-choices-life-review

Self Pity: Starting to Let Go - Atlanteans - Part 143

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The Consciousness of the Tiger - Part 2

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The Consciousness of the Tiger - Part 1

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Imagine My Personality - The Metaphysical Secrets of the Imagination - Part 30

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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Andrew Gable Artist

via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/andrewgableart

The Judge - 2013 - The Future of Consciousness - Part 30

Why does judgment towards the world, its systems and money exist within our Minds? What are the consequences of holding onto and becoming possessed by judgments towards the world, its systems and money in relationship to ourselves, the Mind and our individual life experiences? How are we mentally and physically disempowering ourselves through holding onto and becoming possessed by judgments towards the world, its systems and money?

via Facebook https://eqafe.com/p/the-judge-2013-the-future-of-consciousness-part-30

Falling Statue - Death Research - Part 1

What similarities exist between the Birth Process and the Death Process when considering our three primary dimensions of existence as the Mind, our Beingness and the Physical Body? How was this Man able to see and connect sequences of events throughout his life that contributed to creating this Final Moment as his Death? What made this man believe that there is something more or someone greater directing our lives, and what made him finally realize that that is not in fact so?

via Facebook https://eqafe.com/p/falling-statue-death-research-part-1

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Friday, November 1, 2013

Why Anytown, USA, Privatizes Its Water System

"In August 2013, Allentown, Pennsylvania, rented its water and waste systems for 50 years because it did not have enough money to pay the pensions owed to its employees or to maintain its water system." Water is a Human Right, Water must be Nationalized as a Public Resource to make water available for everyone as well as funding the Living Income Guaranteed http://livingincome.me/ - Garbrielle Goodrow

via Facebook https://truth-out.org/news/item/19684-why-anytown-usa-privatizes-its-water-system

If I can stop emotions – I am responsible for creating them: DAY 466 | Heaven's Journey to Life

via Facebook http://heavensjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/10/if-i-can-stop-emotions-i-am-responsible.html

Desteni Newsletter - October 31, 2013

via Facebook http://newsletter.desteni.org/letters/118-desteni-newsletter-october-31-2013

Living Income Guaranteed

via Facebook http://livingincomeguaranteed.wordpress.com/

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Babies remember music from womb up to four months after they are born

via Facebook http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2480644/Babies-remember-music-heard-womb-months-born.html

See Why We Have An Absolutely Ridiculous Standard Of Beauty In Just 37 Seconds

via Facebook http://www.upworthy.com/see-why-we-have-an-absolutely-ridiculous-standard-of-beauty-in-just-37-seconds

Eternal Darkness (Part 3): DAY 465 | Heaven's Journey to Life

"...utilize the moment before going to sleep to assist/support oneself within one’s process by reflecting on the day / looking at memories. Here, one can self honestly assess one’s responsibility within creating emotional / feeling reactions and accordingly take responsibility for one’s own thoughts and reactions." Sunette Spies

via Facebook http://heavensjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/10/eternal-darkness-part-3-day-465.html?spref=fb

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What makes Me Starve In a World Of Plenty

via Facebook https://eqafe.com/p/somebody-help-me-understand-what-makes-me-starve-in-a-world-of-plenty

Monday, October 28, 2013

Energy Trumps Physical - Reptilians - Part 238

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/energy-trumps-physical-reptilians-part-238

Feeding my Ego with Compliments - Life Review

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/feeding-my-ego-with-compliments-life-review

Writing and Speaking Support - 2013 - The Future of Consciousness - Part 29

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/writing-and-speaking-support-2013-the-future-of-consciousness-part-29

Encoding Communication and Programming Relationships (Part 4) - Quantum Systemization - Part 33

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/encoding-communication-and-programming-relationships-part-4-quantum-systemization-part-33

Relationship System - Relationship Success Support

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/relationship-system-relationship-success-support

A Teacher's Journey to Life: Children are Taught Fiction and Fantasy but what about Reality? 52

via Facebook http://teachersjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/10/children-are-taught-fiction-and-fantasy.html

Day 251: Living Income Guaranteed and Market Mechanics ~ Economist's Journey to Life

via Facebook http://economistjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/10/day-251-living-income-guaranteed-and.html

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Thursday, October 24, 2013

For Love and Money - The Soul of Money

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/for-love-and-money-the-soul-of-money

Demons in the Afterlife - Part 25

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/demons-in-the-afterlife-part-25

Separation Anxiety - Perfecting the Human Race - Parenting - Part 31

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/separation-anxiety-perfecting-the-human-race-parenting-part-31

Weakness: Self Forgiveness - Atlanteans - Part 138

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/weakness-self-forgiveness-atlanteans-part-138

Routine Sets me Free - Life Review

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/routine-sets-me-free-life-review

Suppression/Resistance Self Belief (Part 2) - Reptilians - Part 237

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/suppression-resistance-self-belief-part-2-reptilians-part-237

Desteni Newsletter - October 24, 2013

via Facebook http://newsletter.desteni.org/letters/115-desteni-newsletter-october-24-2013

Day 46: The Economic Problem ~ Economist's Journey to Life

via Facebook http://economistjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2012/07/day-46-economic-problem.html

Living Income Newsletter - October 24, 2013

via Facebook http://newsletter.desteni.org/letters/114-living-income-newsletter-october-24-2013

Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters | Journal of the mental environment

"Authenticity is Found in the ironic laugh Dripping from Al Gore’s patented shoes Leaking from the diesel tank of David Suzuki’s bus Oozing from Edward Burtynsky’s photography equipment as he snaps shot after shot of our manufactured landscape. Authenticity is Found in the salty tear Dripping from a Chinese worker’s eye as she sews together Al Gore‘s shoes Leaking from the pores of Bangladesh laborers, shipping off diesel for Suzuki’s bus Oozing from a hungry African girl, crouched in a diamond field, watching Burtynsky eat a sandwich and photograph her landscape. Authenticity is the silence that falls on a casket after the final eulogy has been spoken. It’s a child’s gasp of horror, wonder or surprise as the world unfolds its mysteries, one gasp after another. It’s the two coins donated by a woman on welfare, versus the piles of bills offered by the rich. It’s the quiet heartbeat of humanity being dulled by layer upon later of fast food and greed. It’s the groan of creation watching itself be stripped bare, unable to be heard. Authenticity is a word whose definition we no longer understand." -Emily Wierenga (Featured in issue #72 of Adbusters http://www.adbusters.org)

via Facebook http://www.adbusters.org/

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Soaring Cost of a Simple Breath

via Facebook http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/13/us/the-soaring-cost-of-a-simple-breath.html?smid=fb-share

Marcus Dancy

via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/marcus.dancy/posts/561454000575464

Creation's Journey to Life: Day 514: Why Are we Here on Earth? Balance and the Universe – Part 1

via Facebook http://creationsjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/10/day-514-why-are-we-here-on-earth.html

A Teacher's Journey to Life: Who I am is Who I'll Teach my Kids to Be: DAY 51

via Facebook http://teachersjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/10/who-i-am-is-who-ill-teach-my-kids-to-be.html

Day 80: I Don’t Want To Be Alone! | Viktor Persson

via Facebook http://viktorpersson.com/2013/10/day-80-i-dont-want-to-be-alone/#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=1&su=1&r=1&p=0&s=1&rr=1

Thursday, October 17, 2013

This is not ME (Part 2) - Journeys into the Afterlife - Part 51

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/this-is-not-me-part-2-journeys-into-the-afterlife-part-51

Run Over by a Car - Death Research - Part 1

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/run-over-by-a-car-death-research-part-1

Run Over by a Car - Death Research - Part 2

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/run-over-by-a-car-death-research-part-2

Resentment: Practical Support (Part 3) - Atlanteans - Part 136

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/resentment-practical-support-part-3-atlanteans-part-136

Suppressing Thoughts: Practical Support - Reptilians - Part 235

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/suppressing-thoughts-practical-support-reptilians-part-235

Day 219: Resistance to new learning experiences

via Facebook http://adriansjourneytolife.wordpress.com/2013/10/17/day-219-resistance-to-new-learning-experiences/

Study Reveals Middle-Class Neighborhoods Dying At A Rapid Pace

via Facebook http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/16/middle-class-neighborhoods-dying_n_4109084.html

Relationship Experimentation - Life Review

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/relationship-experimentation-life-review

ROI The Return on Investment: Day 506

via Facebook http://paintersjourneytolife.wordpress.com/2013/10/17/roi-the-return-on-investment-day-506/

Under what circumstances do most people lose integrity?

via Facebook http://www.quora.com/Under-what-circumstances-do-most-people-lose-integrity/answer/Kelly-Posey?share=1

Education reform is not necessary, I think

via Facebook http://takeitwithagrainofsalt.quora.com/Education-reform-is-not-necessary-I-think?srid=p2uJ&share=1

Given the ubiquity of the Internet and ease of communication today, what is a small thing people could do daily that could change the wor...

via Facebook http://www.quora.com/The-Internet-2/Given-the-ubiquity-of-the-Internet-and-ease-of-communication-today-what-is-a-small-thing-people-could-do-daily-that-could-change-the-world/answer/Kelly-Posey?share=1

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

What are some good jokes about religion?

via Facebook http://www.quora.com/Jokes/What-are-some-good-jokes-about-religion/answers/2462885?srid=p2uJ&share=1

Day 250: Economics Nobel Prize reduced to Laughingstock ~ Economist's Journey to Life

via Facebook http://economistjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/10/day-249-economics-nobel-prize-reduced.html

Monday, October 14, 2013

Post | The Conscious Index

via Facebook http://consciousindex.com/post/407744/

Resisting Thoughts: Practical Support - Reptilians - Part 234

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/resisting-thoughts-practical-support-reptilians-part-234

Resentment: Practical Support (Part 2) - Atlanteans - Part 135

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When Relationships Compromise Self Integrity - Relationship Success Support

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Together we are Strong - Life Review - Part 3

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Together we are Strong - Life Review - Part 2

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/together-we-are-strong-life-review-part-2

Together we are Strong - Life Review - Part 1

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/together-we-are-strong-life-review-part-1

Middle-class children 'will be worse off than their parents for the first time in more than a...

via Facebook http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2457438/Middle-class-children-worse-parents-time-century.html

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Freedom'sJourney to Life: Day 220: Releasing Myself From Money Related Stress

via Facebook http://www.matterfreeman.com/2013/10/day-220-releasing-myself-from-money.html#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=1&su=1&r=1&p=0&s=1&rr=1

Gian's Journey to Life.: Day 421 – SOON to be a Father - Part 1

via Facebook http://gianjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/10/day-421-soon-to-be-father-part-1.html#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=1&su=1&r=1&p=0&s=1&rr=1

Consciousness Matter of Opinions vs. Physical Matter of Facts: DAY 460 | Heaven's Journey to Life

via Facebook http://heavensjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/10/consciousness-matter-of-opinions-vs.html#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=1&su=1&r=1&p=0&s=1&rr=1

Howard Zinn - Hidden History of The American Working Class

via Facebook http://www.youtube.com/attribution_link?u=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DrgzB07b2qzs%26feature%3Dshare&a=6n00Bg43GIzs07N_alw8Kw

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Rozelle's Journey to Life: Day 142 - Pornography - Where to start when I want to stop?

via Facebook http://rozelledelangeblog.blogspot.com/2013/10/day-142-pornography-where-to-start-when.html

What is the Living Income Guaranteed?

via Facebook http://basicincomeguaranteed.wordpress.com/2013/10/11/376-what-is-the-living-income-guaranteed/#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=1&su=1&r=1&p=0&s=1&rr=1

Friday, October 11, 2013

The Mechanics of Alternate Realities - Kryon: My Existential History

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/the-mechanics-of-alternate-realities-kryon-my-existential-history

Overreacting: There's More than Meets the Eye - 2013 - The Future of Consciousness - Part 28

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/overreacting-there-s-more-than-meets-the-eye-2013-the-future-of-consciousness-part-28

Fight or Flight - Reptilians - Part 233

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/fight-or-flight-reptilians-part-233

Resentment: Practical Support - Atlanteans - Part 134

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The Crucifixion of Jesus - Part 46

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Positive Thinking Sabotaged my Relationships - Life Review

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/positive-thinking-sabotaged-my-relationships-life-review

Kristina's Journey to Life: 258- Worthless Search in Relationships

via Facebook http://equalitywalk.blogspot.com/2013/10/258-worthless-search-in-relationships.html#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=1&su=1&r=1&p=0&s=1&rr=1

Breathe: Age is Just a Number and Life is Invaluable - Day 166

via Facebook http://kaitleeprocess.blogspot.com/2013/10/age-is-just-number-and-life-is.html#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=1&su=1&r=1&p=0&s=1&rr=1

Day 361: LIG will Change the Unconvenient Truth about Our Lives

via Facebook http://eleonoragozzini.wordpress.com/2013/10/11/day-361-lig-will-change-the-unconvenient-truth-about-our-lives/#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=1&su=1&r=1&p=0&s=1&rr=1

a widows journey to life: Day 433 Positive reinforcement, does it allow self discovery?

via Facebook http://awidowsjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/10/day-433-positive-reinforcement-does-it.html#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=1&su=1&r=1&p=0&s=1&rr=1

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Sunday, October 6, 2013

When the Voices Trap you in your Own Mind (Part 2) - 2013 - The Future of Consciousness - Part 27

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/when-the-voices-trap-you-in-your-own-mind-part-2-2013-the-future-of-consciousness-part-27

When the Voices Trap you in your Own Mind (Part 1) - 2013 - The Future of Consciousness - Part 26

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/when-the-voices-trap-you-in-your-own-mind-part-1-2013-future-of-consciousness-part-26

Emotional Manipulation Games (Part 2) - Perfecting the Human Race - Parenting - Part 30

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/emotional-manipulation-games-part-2-perfecting-the-human-race-parenting-part-30

Friday, October 4, 2013

Jamie is 13 and hasn't even kissed a girl. But he's now on the Sex Offender Register after...

via Facebook http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2135203/Jamie-13-kissed-girl-But-hes-Sex-Offender-Register-online-porn-warped-mind-.html

Swarms of deadly hornets kill more than and injure 1,600 in China

via Facebook http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2442384/Swarms-deadly-hornets-kill-42-people-injure-1-600-China.html?ICO=most_read_module

Thursday, October 3, 2013

DAWN Democracy Against War Now

via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/dawnwarnomore/posts/241450452675085

Why Our Health Care Is Obscenely Expensive, In 12 Charts

via Facebook http://t.co/TObUJBt4O5

Activist's Journey To Life: Day 458: Failed Country, Failed World

via Facebook http://activistsjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/10/day-458-failed-country-failed-world.html#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=1&su=1&r=1&p=0&s=1&rr=1

Garbrielle's Journey to Life: Pompous Me – The Elite Within – Part 1 – Day 347

via Facebook http://garbrielleslifejourney.blogspot.com/2013/10/pompous-me-elite-within-part-1-day-347.html#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=1&su=1&r=1&p=0&s=1&rr=1

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Roller Coaster Ride - Death Research - Part 1

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/roller-coaster-ride-death-research-part-1

Giving Life to the Pictures in my Mind - Life Review

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/giving-life-to-the-pictures-in-my-mind-life-review

Retail's Hidden Potential: How Raising Wages Would Benefit Workers, the Industry and the Overall...

"The continued dominance of low wages in this sector weakens our nation’s capacity to boost living standards and economic growth. Retail’s low-wage employment means that even Americans who work full-time fail to make ends meet, and growth slows because too few families have enough remaining in each paycheck to contribute to the broader economy."

via Facebook http://www.demos.org/publication/retails-hidden-potential-how-raising-wages-would-benefit-workers-industry-and-overall-ec

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Osborne files lawsuit against EU over plans to cap bankers' bonuses

Anything you need to be paid "200% of your fixed pay" to do, probably shouldn't be done.

via Facebook http://dailym.ai/16zH8Yt

The Crucifixion of Jesus - Part 45

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/the-crucifixion-of-jesus-part-45

Mind, Body and Food - Quantum Systemization - Part 31

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/mind-body-and-food-quantum-systemization-part-31

Imprisoned in an Alternate Reality - Kryon: My Existential History

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/imprisoned-in-an-alternate-reality-kryon-my-existential-history

Negative Reactions Compromising Self Realization - Reptilians - Part 228

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/negative-reactions-compromising-self-realization-reptilians-part-228

In the Mind we Trust, Despite its Betrayal - Life Review

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/in-the-mind-we-trust-despite-its-betrayal-life-review

Loneliness: Positive Polarity - Atlanteans - Part 129

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/loneliness-positive-polarity-atlanteans-part-129

Monday, September 23, 2013

Who in Politics can people look up to these days and why?

via Facebook http://www.quora.com/Who-in-Politics-can-people-look-up-to-these-days-and-why/answer/Kelly-Posey?share=1

Who qualifies as the Good Guys these days in global politics?

via Facebook http://www.quora.com/Who-qualifies-as-the-Good-Guys-these-days-in-global-politics/answer/Kelly-Posey?share=1

What qualifies something as world changing?

via Facebook http://www.quora.com/Changing-the-World/What-qualifies-something-as-world-changing/answer/Kelly-Posey?share=1

Creation's Journey to Life: Day 501: Masturbation and the Law of Attraction – the Laws of Earth...

via Facebook http://creationsjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/09/day-501-masturbation-and-law-of.html#&rr=0

Matti Freeman

via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MattiFreeman/posts/10151848726533076

Pope condemns idolatry of cash in capitalism

via Facebook http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/22/pope-francis-idol-money

Activist's Journey To Life: Day 450: I Refuse to Listen to your Lies

Ever tried speaking to someone who Refuses to listen?

via Facebook http://activistsjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/09/day-450-i-refuse-to-listen-to-your-lies.html#&rr=0

A Woman's Journey to Life: Early Childhood Development is a KEY - Day 414

via Facebook http://mayaprocess.blogspot.com/2013/09/early-childhood-development-is-key-day.html#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=1&su=1&r=1&p=0&s=1&rr=1

2012 -- Positive Thinking is the cause of War

via Facebook http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfGeKNZwcKk

Banning Books On the Truth of the Human Condition 'Cause (Eww) Sex, Death and Racism

via Facebook https://www.commondreams.org/further/2013/09/22-0#.Uj_ubQzap_A.facebook

Facing the Discomfort Zone - An Artists Journey To Life: Day 461

This is a cool read for anyone who experiences discomfort in doing a sales job

via Facebook http://anartistsjourneytolife.wordpress.com/2013/09/22/facing-the-discomfort-zone-an-artists-journey-to-life-day-461/#&rr=0

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Desteni Newsletter - September 19, 2013

via Facebook http://newsletter.desteni.org/letters/101-desteni-newsletter-september-19-2013

Food and capitalism: a crisis of waste and destruction

"Food waste is a major problem under capitalism. Even if we went back a few hundred years, it would be impossible for most people to believe that the world could be facing a crisis of hunger and food waste at the same time. Capitalism and the racing pace of technology at the service of maximizing profits have come together to form a super-crisis of waste and destruction."

via Facebook http://www.pslweb.org/liberationnews/news/food-and-capitalism-a-crisis.html

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


via Facebook http://hbr.org/2012/01/why-good-jobs-are-good-for-retailers

Day 70: I Am A Solutionist | Viktor Persson

via Facebook http://viktorpersson.com/2013/09/day-70-i-am-a-solutionist/?fb_action_ids=10151838174498076&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%7B%2210151838174498076%22%3A436177609836509%7D&action_type_map=%7B%2210151838174498076%22%3A%22og.likes%22%7D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D

What Happens When Fast Food Actually Pays

via Facebook http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/07/31/what-happens-when-fast-food-actually-pays.html


via Facebook http://activistsjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/09/day-447-persuasion-and-human-nature.html#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=1&su=1&r=1&p=0&s=1&rr=1

The Shameful Self-serving Myth of American Exceptionalism

via Facebook http://darrylthomas.wordpress.com/2013/09/17/the-shameful-self-serving-myth-of-american-exceptionalism/#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=1&su=1&r=1&p=0&s=1&rr=1

junejourneytolife: SOLUTION To The Philippine WATER Problem:

via Facebook http://junejourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/09/solution-to-philippine-water-problem.html#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=1&su=1&r=1&p=0&s=1&rr=1

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

One in seven Americans living in poverty

via Facebook http://dailym.ai/14fOO5s

This is how you destroy a chemical weapon

" What, actually, will be involved in destroying the weapons? + $35 billion so far. A lot, unsurprisingly. A lot of money, of time, of effort. The US itself, it’s worth remembering, has still not completed the task, began in 1980, of destroying the chemical weapons it amassed during earlier military efforts; last year, we, along with Russia, missed the deadline to have that work completed. The US effort has cost some $35 billion so far. Undertaking a similar task in the tumultuous context of a war-torn nation will be proportionally more difficult and expensive and confusing and, potentially, dangerous. It will be a challenge of vaguely Borgesian dimensions."

via Facebook http://qz.com/124968/this-is-how-you-destroy-a-chemical-weapon/

Millionaire Panera Bread CEO attempts to live on just $4.50 a day

via Facebook http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2423275/Millionaire-Panera-Bread-CEO-attempts-survive-just-4-50-day-challenge-live-like-48-million-Americans-food-stamps-hes-spent-pasta-lentils.html

7 Year Journey to Life: Day 436 - Fear of Spiders

via Facebook http://7yearjourneytolifekims.blogspot.com/2013/09/day-436-fear-of-spiders.html?spref=fb

Monday, September 16, 2013

A Teacher's Journey to Life: Consequences of speaking Carelessly to Children: DAY 46

via Facebook http://teachersjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/09/consequences-of-speaking-carelessly-to.html

Creation's Journey to Life: Day 500: Masturbation and the Law of Attraction - Devolution - Part 8

via Facebook http://creationsjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/09/day-500-masturbation-and-law-of.html

Breathe: Liking the Boy Who Pulls Your Hair - Day 148

via Facebook http://kaitleeprocess.blogspot.com/2013/09/liking-boy-who-pulls-your-hair-day-148.html

Activist's Journey To Life: Day 446: Screw you - I Drive a Prius

via Facebook http://shar.es/i8fV8

Households On Foodstamps Rise To New Record High: More Americans Live In Poverty Than The...

via Facebook http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-09-08/households-foodstamps-rise-new-record-high-more-americans-live-poverty-population-sp

Michelle's Journey to Life: Day 144: Consequences of Snarky Remarks

via Facebook http://michellesjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/09/day-144-consequences-of-snarky-remarks.html

Saturday, September 14, 2013

How the Rich Mint Millions from Filthy, Choking Dumpsites

via Facebook http://www.mwakilishi.com/content/articles/2013/09/13/how-the-rich-mint-millions-from-filthy-choking-dumpsites.html

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Poor forced to use food banks? They've only got themselves to blame sa

via Facebook http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2416737/Poor-forced-use-food-banks-Theyve-got-blame-says-Michael-Gove.html

Encoding Communication and Programming Relationships (Part 2) - Quantum Systemization - Part 30

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/encoding-communication-and-programming-relationships-part-2-quantum-systemization-part-30

Impatience - Reptilians - Part 225

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/impatience-reptilians-part-225

Activist's Journey To Life: Day 441: Blending in

What do others Really Think??

via Facebook http://activistsjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/09/day-441-blending-in.html

Creation's Journey to Life: Day 496: Masturbation and the Law of Attraction - Sex Gods - Part 4

LOVE - how's that working?

via Facebook http://creationsjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/09/day-496-masturbation-and-law-of.html

All Countries should ratify the Chemical Weapons Convention – 488

via Facebook http://paintersjourneytolife.wordpress.com/2013/09/12/all-countries-should-ratify-the-chemical-weapons-convention-488/

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Garbrielle's Journey to Life: What does the act of war say about us as a human civilization? -...

via Facebook http://garbrielleslifejourney.blogspot.com/2013/09/what-does-act-of-war-say-about-us-as.html#&rr=0

War with Syria: As Above, So Below - Day 483

via Facebook http://paintersjourneytolife.wordpress.com/2013/09/06/war-with-syria-as-above-so-below-day-483/#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=0&su=1&r=1&p=1&s=1&rr=1

Creation's Journey to Life: Day 492: God and Ascension: Closing the 4th Dimension – Part 5

via Facebook http://creationsjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/09/day-492-god-and-ascension-closing-4th.html#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=0&su=1&r=1&p=1&s=1&rr=1

Day 246: Green Economics – the Newest Fad? ~ Economist's Journey to Life

via Facebook http://economistjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/09/day-246-green-economics-newest-fad.html#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=0&su=1&r=1&p=1&s=1&rr=1

Day 255: Calling the Beast by it’s Name – Breast Cancer – The Energy of Reward – Day 33

via Facebook http://cathy4worldequality.wordpress.com/2013/09/05/day-255-calling-the-beast-by-its-name-breast-cancer-the-energy-of-reward-day-33/#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=0&su=1&r=1&p=1&s=1&rr=1

Activist's Journey To Life: Day 437: The Words we Speak Depend on Who may be Listening

via Facebook http://activistsjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/09/day-437-words-we-speak-depend-on-who.html#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=0&su=1&r=1&p=1&s=1&rr=1

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Day 196: Syria: U.S. Justifies it’s Massive War Machine

via Facebook http://nblo.gs/OIvQL

Living Income Guaranteed and the Rise of the Machine

via Facebook http://basicincomeguaranteed.wordpress.com/2013/09/02/living-income-guaranteed-and-the-rise-of-the-machine/

'With a new family, we'd love to be able to buy our own place': The MILLION middle-class...

via Facebook http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/mortgageshome/article-2410104/The-MILLION-middle-class-families-buy-home.html

The Solutions and Rewards to Stopping Porn Addiction: DAY 12

via Facebook http://pornaddictsjourneytolife.wordpress.com/2013/09/02/the-solutions-and-rewards-to-stopping-porn-addiction-day-12/

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Paying Rent on Minimum Wage

"As part of its 2012 report on rent affordability, the National Low Income Housing Coalition released a chart that’s been floating around the Internet. It shows that there isn’t a single state in the country where it’s possible to work 40 hours per week at minimum wage and afford a two-bedroom apartment at Fair Market Rent."

via Facebook http://takingnote.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/05/30/paying-rent-on-minimum-wage/?_r=0

How bad are American labor practices? This bad. : politics

via Facebook http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/d3foe/how_bad_are_american_labor_practices_this_bad/

Service Jobs in the US: Do We Pay Low-Wage Workers Enough?

via Facebook http://www.aspeninstitute.org/about/blog/service-jobs-us-are-we-paying-low-wage-workers-enough

Want a Job With 239 Vacation Days? Become a Member of Congress

via Facebook http://www.policymic.com/articles/38177/want-a-job-with-239-vacation-days-become-a-member-of-congress

Why a medieval peasant got more vacation time than you

via Facebook http://blogs.reuters.com/great-debate/2013/08/29/why-a-medieval-peasant-got-more-vacation-time-than-you/

Friday, August 30, 2013

Mind your language! Babies listen to and REMEMBER words they hear in the womb

Nothing we do or say is hidden! Every word we speak has an impact

via Facebook http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2403832/Mind-language-Babies-listen-REMEMBER-words-hear-womb.html

Oil and Pipeline Geopolitics: The US-NATO Race for Syria's Black Gold

Well, what do you know? Once again when the U.S. is planning to 'intervene' there just happens to be major amounts of resources at stake... As usual the U.S. only taking action when/where it is in the economic interest of the U.S., and NOT about actually helping anyone. When will we realize as long as we don't consider what's best for everyone together, we're creating enemies and thus war, and all it's atrocities

via Facebook http://www.globalresearch.ca/oil-and-pipeline-geopolitics-the-us-nato-race-for-syrias-black-gold/5330216

Day 486: The End of Self-Awareness – Part 4

via Facebook http://creationsjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/08/day-486-end-of-self-awareness-part-4.html

Fear of Commitment (Part Three): DAY 441

via Facebook http://heavensjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/08/fear-of-commitment-part-three-day-441.html

Day 433: Subliminal Messages

via Facebook http://activistsjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/08/day-433-subliminal-messages.html

Day 245: Living Income Guaranteed and Equal Currency

via Facebook http://economistjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/08/day-245-living-income-guaranteed-and.html

241: Living the Dream? Time to Wake Up.

via Facebook http://equalitywalk.blogspot.com/2013/08/241-living-dream-time-to-wake-up.html

Arthimetic – Day 477

via Facebook http://paintersjourneytolife.wordpress.com/2013/08/29/arthimetic-day-477/

Living Equality - Self Acceptance Support - Day 341

via Facebook http://garbrielleslifejourney.blogspot.com/2013/08/living-equality-self-acceptance-support.html

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Mind your language! Babies listen to and REMEMBER words they hear in the womb

via Facebook http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2403832/Mind-language-Babies-listen-REMEMBER-words-hear-womb.html

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Christine's Journey to Life: Day 383 - Do We Really Care?

via Facebook http://christineannhansen.blogspot.com/2013/08/day-383-do-we-really-care.html#&rr=0

a widows journey to life: DAY 417 Common Sense is Our Natural Learning Ability

via Facebook http://awidowsjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/08/day-417-common-sense-is-our-natural.html#&rr=0

Monday, August 26, 2013

Bernard Poolman - Living the Golden Rule

via Facebook http://howtostopabuse.blogspot.com/2013/08/bernard-poolman-living-golden-rule.html

'It's small but complete': Impoverished Chinese family sets up home in tiny hotel lavatory for...

When we've got families living in bathrooms we know we've got a problem. The solution: basicincome.me So no child has to grow up living in a bathroom.

via Facebook http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2402087/Far-busted-flush-Faced-spiralling-housing-costs-low-wages-determined-Chinese-worker-sets-family-home-converted-toilet-block.html

Friday, August 23, 2013

Why do people hate Walmart?

via Facebook http://www.quora.com/Walmart/Why-do-people-hate-Walmart

Day 202: Thanks to Bernard

via Facebook http://adriansjourneytolife.wordpress.com/2013/08/22/day-202-thanks-to-bernard/

Day 434: A Lesson in Balance

via Facebook http://shar.es/ztH1u

One in seven youngsters still out of work despite falling unemployment

via Facebook http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2400598/One-seven-youngsters-work-despite-falling-unemployment.html

Bernard Poolman

via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bernard.poolman/posts/10150361201503638

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The average American household is now earning LESS income than it did at the end of the Great...

What are we waiting for? See: http://basicincome.me/

via Facebook http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2400395/The-average-American-household-earning-LESS-income-did-end-Great-Recession.html

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Will you work until you drop? Lack of savings means fifth of over-65s still in work don't know...

via Facebook http://dailym.ai/18FjPj2

'I can't afford to pay for paper bills... but can't keep track without them': Millions penalised...

via Facebook http://dailym.ai/18FvGhk

Card payments expected to outstrip cash within 10 years while mobiles will drive next 'payments...

via Facebook http://dailym.ai/171Csyu

Treasury loses out on £85m after City bosses held back bonuses until top tax rate was cut to 45p

via Facebook http://dailym.ai/18HEzqs

It's the winning that counts: Children develop a competitive streak at the age of four

via Facebook http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2397064/Its-winning-counts-Children-develop-competitive-streak-age-four.html

At the root of Egyptian rage is a deepening resource crisis

via Facebook http://qz.com/116276/at-the-root-of-egyptian-rage-is-a-deepening-resource-crisis/

Activist's Journey To Life: Day 425: The Nature of the Man

via Facebook http://activistsjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/08/day-425-nature-of-man.html

Day 425: The Nature of the Man

via Facebook http://shar.es/z3Kxs

Day 479: In the Image and Likeness of God

via Facebook http://shar.es/z3K7a


via Facebook http://shar.es/z3K28


via Facebook http://shar.es/z3iMh

Monday, August 19, 2013

Bernard Poolman - Man of Principles

via Facebook http://randykrafft4equality.wordpress.com/2013/08/18/bernard-poolman-man-of-principles/#&rr=0

Friday, August 16, 2013

Day 250: Calling the Beast by it’s Name – Breast Cancer – Clearing the Path – Day 32

via Facebook http://cathy4worldequality.wordpress.com/2013/08/16/day-250-calling-the-beast-by-its-name-breast-cancer-clearing-the-path-day-32/

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day 423: My Dad is Dead

via Facebook http://shar.es/y9qer

That's one hell of a hangover! Heavy drinkings costs the US $223BILLION a year (but not in Utah...

via Facebook http://dailym.ai/16bB6Ak

2010: Where Self-Honesty Begins

via Facebook http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SochhBbUib0

Journey to Life: Witness statement: Desteni Research Group is not a scam

via Facebook http://blazprocess.blogspot.com/2013/08/witness-statement-desteni-research.html#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=0&su=1&r=1&p=1&s=1&rr=1

Bernard Poolman, an Example for All

via Facebook http://shar.es/y87mh

Day 210: Bernard Poolman Was An Extremist

via Facebook http://shar.es/y8vML

Do You Care Enough To Change - An Artists Journey To Life: Day 435

via Facebook http://anartistsjourneytolife.wordpress.com/2013/08/13/do-you-care-enough-to-change-an-artists-journey-to-life-day-435/

Bernard Poolman, the Point of Equality - Day 465

via Facebook http://paintersjourneytolife.wordpress.com/2013/08/13/bernard-poolman-the-point-of-equality-day-465/

Bernard Poolman - A Being Who Lived Fully in the Service of Life to His Last Breath

via Facebook http://shar.es/y8pyF

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Thursday, August 8, 2013

the deliberate dumbing down of america

"A CHRONOLOGICAL PAPER TRAIL the deliberate dumbing down of america is a chronological history of the past 100+ years of education reform. Each chapter takes a period of history and recounts the significant events, including important geopolitical and societal contextual information. Citations from government plans, policy documents, and key writings by leading reformers record the rise of the modern education reform movement. Americans of all ages will welcome this riveting expose of what really happened to what was once the finest education system in the world."

via Facebook http://www.deliberatedumbingdown.com/

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Opinion: Guarding the Self-Interest of Consciousness: DAY 434 | Heaven's Journey to Life

via Facebook http://heavensjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/08/opinion-guarding-self-interest-of.html#&rr=0

Day 31 - I am a witness

via Facebook http://niklasredefined.wordpress.com/2013/08/03/day-31-i-am-a-witness/#&rr=0

Day 124: Parenthood 1 - There Is Something Wrong with my Baby - Part 1 ~ Maite's

via Facebook http://maitedip.blogspot.com/2013/08/day-124-parenthood-1-there-is-something.html#&rr=0

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Day 182: From Enslaved to The Living Word: Courageous

via Facebook http://sandysjourneytolife.wordpress.com/2013/08/01/day-182-from-enslaved-to-the-living-word-courageous/#&rr=0

Letting Go of the Thought “There Must Be Something Wrong With Me”: DAY 227

via Facebook http://annabrixthomsen.com/2013/08/01/letting-go-of-the-thought-there-must-be-something-wrong-with-me-day-227/#&rr=0

Day 55: Learning From Others Instead of Competing | Viktor Persson

via Facebook http://viktorpersson.com/2013/08/day-55-learning-from-others-instead-of-competing/#&rr=0

Day 244: Transforming Currency into Money with Living Income Guaranteed ~ Economist's Journey to...

via Facebook http://economistjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/08/day-244-transforming-currency-into.html#&rr=0

A Research into the Desteni Group: Is it a Scam?: Day 1: I stand Witness to the Desteni...

via Facebook http://desteniwitnessblog-kimamourette.blogspot.com/2013/08/day-1-i-stand-witness-to-desteni.html#&rr=0

Day 246: Calling the Beast by it’s Name – Breast Cancer – Process Update – Day 29

via Facebook http://cathy4worldequality.wordpress.com/2013/08/01/day-246-calling-the-beast-by-its-name-breast-cancer-process-update-day-29/

Let's Face It, Most of Us Love Cheap Clothes -- and Don't Think Much About Whether Child Slave...

"Here is the shopper, agonising over ethical or cheap. What if they can do both? What if they can pluck two pairs of jeans off the rail and hold them up. One costs $30.80. One costs $31.03. It has a big label on it, which says "I'm proud to pay 23 cents more for these jeans. I believe everyone has the right to a decent standard of living. My jeans were made by a happy worker who was paid the fair rate for the job." Go further. Stitch it on to the jeans themselves. I want those jeans. I want to know I'm not wearing something stitched by kids kept locked in backstreet godowns, never seeing the light of day, never getting a penny."

via Facebook http://www.alternet.org/labor/we-dont-care-about-child-slave-labor?akid=10744.111476.5JmFVA&rd=1&src=newsletter875480&t=5&paging=off

Friday, August 2, 2013

Perfecting the Human - Day 455

via Facebook http://paintersjourneytolife.wordpress.com/2013/07/31/perfecting-the-human-day-455/#&rr=0

Day 389 - Life on the fringe - meeting Francine - Is life possible without the mind?

via Facebook http://mindless-living.blogspot.com/2013/07/day-389-life-on-fringe-meeting-francine.html#&rr=0

Creation's Journey to Life: Day 464: Looking for Purpose

via Facebook http://creationsjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/07/day-464-looking-for-purpose.html#&rr=0

A Teacher's Journey to Life: The Secret About How I Hacked The Education System and What I...

via Facebook http://teachersjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/07/the-secret-about-how-i-hacked-education.html#&rr=0

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Woman's Journey to Life: Do you want more? - Day 405

via Facebook http://shar.es/kMnD6

Fact and Reality in one corner, Opinion and the Mind in the other…let the Games Begin (Part 2):...

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Creation's Journey to Life: Day 463: Can Animals be Brainwashed?

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Activist's Journey To Life: Day 415: Who Wants to Win a... Baby?

Wow - you can win a BABY on this TV Game Show - what does this show about the state of things in the world where babies are abandoned and are given away on TV???

via Facebook http://shar.es/kPLyX

Day 444 Paranoia of Greedy People

via Facebook http://atruthseekersjourneyintolife.wordpress.com/2013/07/30/day-444-paranoia-of-greedy-people/

What's Our Price? - Day 454

via Facebook http://paintersjourneytolife.wordpress.com/2013/07/30/whats-our-price-day-454/

Activist's Journey To Life: Day 414: How much does it Cost to be President?

via Facebook http://shar.es/kPSUh

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Minimum Wage Doesn't Apply to Everyone

via Facebook http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/17872-the-minimum-wage-doesnt-apply-to-everyone

Yemeni girl from YouTube wants education, not marriage


via Facebook http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/30/world/yemen-child-marriage/index.html?hpt=hp_c3

Worldwide Support Grows for Iraq Human Rights Hearing

22 Iraq War vets committing suicide on average per day

via Facebook http://truth-out.org/news/item/17861-worldwide-support-grows-for-iraq-human-rights-hearing

Day 53: Productivity Instead of Stress

via Facebook http://viktorpersson.com/2013/07/day-53-productivity-instead-of-stress/

Activist's Journey To Life: Day 413: Noble Words

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Creation's Journey to Life: Day 462: Natural Learning Ability and World Change

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Day 442 Paranoia of 'We Could Losing Everything'

via Facebook http://atruthseekersjourneyintolife.wordpress.com/2013/07/28/day-442-paranoia-of-we-could-losing-everything/

Monday, July 29, 2013

Is the McDonald's McDouble the 'cheapest, most nutritious and bountiful food that has ever...

For those in poverty the 'best' option is fast food - Proper Nutrition should be a Basic Human Right - support Basic Income Guaranteed - basicincome.me

via Facebook http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2380548/Is-McDonalds-McDouble-cheapest-nutritious-bountiful-food-existed-human-history.html

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Activist's Journey To Life: Day 412: I'm sorry my Existence Inconveniences you

via Facebook http://shar.es/kEQ02

A Director's Journey to Life: Day 338: The Birth of Liberal Empire and the Commonwealth

via Facebook http://shar.es/kEUQ2

Creation's Journey to Life: Day 461: Skeptics Failed the Jesus Message

via Facebook http://shar.es/kEODA

Day 258: Planned Obsolescence keeps us Happy

via Facebook http://arvydasjourney.wordpress.com/2013/07/26/day-258-planned-obsolescence-keeps-us-happy/

The Mind’s Sourdough Effect: DAY 225

via Facebook http://annabrixthomsen.com/2013/07/26/the-minds-sourdough-effect-day-225/

Day 242: The EFF and Land Redistribution in South Africa ~ Economist's Journey to Life

via Facebook http://shar.es/kEOhP

Creation's Journey to Life: Day 460: Transhumanism: the Rise of the Machine – Part 1

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A skeptic's Journey to Life.: Day 411 - Why can't I be happy for another?

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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Day 336: Pop Star Bankers and the Dumb Populace

via Facebook https://eleonoragozzini.wordpress.com/2013/07/26/day-336-pop-star-bankers-and-the-dumb-populace/?blogsub=confirmed#blog_subscription-3

Friday, July 26, 2013

The unification of man: [JTL 81] Deprogramming anxiety word by word

via Facebook http://shar.es/kxD4D

Day 257: The Real News

via Facebook http://arvydasjourney.wordpress.com/2013/07/25/day-the-real-news/

Day 222: Surreal is the New Real

via Facebook http://shar.es/kx8Vb

Day 177: How Companies Justify Poverty Wages: The Solution 2

via Facebook http://sandysjourneytolife.wordpress.com/2013/07/25/day-177-how-companies-justify-poverty-wages-the-solution-2/

When the promise of Relationship activates instant Metamorphosis: DAY 431 | Heaven's Journey to Life

via Facebook http://shar.es/kx8l9

We know how we See through our Physical Eyes, but how do we See in the Mind? DAY 430 | Heaven's...

via Facebook http://heavensjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/07/we-know-how-we-see-through-our-physical.html#&rr=0

Creation's Journey to Life: Day 459: BIG Pilot Project Namibia: a Perspective

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Christine's Journey to Life: Day 362 - The Dutiful Wife

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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What we do in the Mind is what we Live in this World: DAY 429 | Heaven's Journey to Life

via Facebook http://heavensjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/07/what-we-do-in-mind-is-what-we-live-in.html#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=0&su=1&r=1&p=1&s=1&rr=1

We’ve got the past, present and future – also ‘The Now’, but what about HERE? Part 4 - DAY 428 |...

via Facebook http://heavensjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/07/weve-got-past-present-and-future-also_23.html#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=0&su=1&r=1&p=1&s=1&rr=1

Activist's Journey To Life: Day 410: This Baby will Fix the World

via Facebook http://activistsjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/07/day-410-this-baby-will-fix-world.html#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=0&su=1&r=1&p=1&s=1&rr=1

Christine's Journey to Life: Day 361 - Military Propaganda

via Facebook http://christineannhansen.blogspot.com/2013/07/day-361-military-propaganda.html#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=0&su=1&r=1&p=1&s=1&rr=1

A skeptic's Journey to Life.: Day 406 - I Challenge Individuality

via Facebook http://sfvault.blogspot.com/2013/07/day-406-i-challenge-individuality.html#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=0&su=1&r=1&p=1&s=1&rr=1

A Teacher's Journey to Life: Opposing Authority - Kindergarten Paranoia (Pt.3) - DAY 38

via Facebook http://teachersjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/07/opposing-authority-kindergarten.html#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=0&su=1&r=1&p=1&s=1&rr=1

The Violence of Organized Forgetting

BRILLIANT deconstruction on how neoliberal casino capitalism has transformed American democracy into a nation engaged with endless warfare for the benefit of conscienceless consumption by institutionalized amnesiacs consigned to a future of soft authoritarianism, panoptical surveillance and a youth's identity informed by commercialism. Read it and weep. Then do something about it. - Darryl Thomas

via Facebook http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/the_violence_of_organized_forgetting_20130722/#.Ue6RW1X2QeU.facebook

The Two Year Window

"...These problems incur large costs. Think about the lost wages from serious mental health problems, which total $200 billion a year, according to a 2008 study from the American Journal of Psychiatry. Or think about the expense of incarcerating criminals: about $60 billion a year, according to a 2006 study from the Commission on Safety and Abuse in America’s Prisons. Childhood adversity obviously doesn’t account for all of these sums. But if the studies are correct, then adversity explains a significant portion—certainly in the tens of billions of dollars. And the implications go beyond mental illness or crime. Children who fail to develop coping mechanisms struggle from the earliest days in school, because even the slightest provocations or setbacks destroy their focus and attention. They can’t sit still and read. They have trouble standing in line. They lash out at classmates or teachers. And these struggles, naturally, lead to other problems that perpetuate the cycle of poverty. All of this is to say that the science of early childhood may play a significant role in the dominant political question of our time: rising inequality...." This is a 'Must Read' Article.

via Facebook http://www.newrepublic.com/article/economy/magazine/97268/the-two-year-window

In Climbing Income Ladder, Location Matters

This problem would be solved by Basic Income Guaranteed as all jobs would pay enough to have a dignified living, you would not have to go to such lengths just to find a job that pays enough to just get by.

via Facebook http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/22/business/in-climbing-income-ladder-location-matters.html?smid=tw-nytimes&_r=0

Garbrielle's Journey to Life: “What If I was More” – Day 329

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Activist's Journey To Life: Day 409: Revelations

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Creation's Journey to Life: Day 457: World Teachers 2013: It is Time

via Facebook http://shar.es/k6cLp

Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 333: Berlusconi - Showing The World how to stay Out of Jail - since 1994.

via Facebook http://eleonoragozzini.wordpress.com/2013/07/22/day-333-berlusconi-showing-the-world-how-to-stay-out-of-jail-since-1994/#d=4&g=1&fl=1&gs=0&fs=0&su=1&r=1&p=1&s=1&rr=1

Day 435 Paranoia of Being Reacted To

via Facebook http://atruthseekersjourneyintolife.wordpress.com/2013/07/22/day-435-paranoia-of-being-reacted-to/

“There Must Be Something Wrong With Me” – DAY 224

via Facebook http://annabrixthomsen.com/2013/07/22/there-must-be-something-wrong-with-me-day-224/

Creation's Journey to Life: Day 457: World Teachers 2013: It is Time

via Facebook http://shar.es/kc97f

Day 256: Inflation of Reality: Bodybuilding

via Facebook http://arvydasjourney.wordpress.com/2013/07/21/day-256-inflation-of-reality-bodybuilding/

Day 255: Being a Patient and the System of care

via Facebook http://arvydasjourney.wordpress.com/2013/07/18/day-255-being-a-patient-and-the-system-of-care/

7 Year Journey to Life: Day 385 - My Inflated Version of Myself

via Facebook http://7yearjourneytolifekims.blogspot.com/2013/07/day-385-my-inflated-version-of-myself.html

A Director's Journey to Life: Day 331: I am Not No-Thing, yet.

"I realized Why we are walking to Nothingness; in a way I have been wondering why we were not in fact walking to Awareness as that would be my assumption of who and what we are, 'we are 'something', right?, but are we? What and who creates this Reality?"

via Facebook http://adirectorjourneystolife.blogspot.com/2013/07/day-331-i-am-not-no-thing-yet.html

Activist's Journey To Life: Day 408: Take that, you Stupid Planet!

"We have done many things to our home. We have nuked it, bombarded it, spilled toxic wastes, deforested it, dried up rivers, made new rivers, dried up dams, dries up seas, made new dams, pumped gas and smoke into the air, stripped natural habitats to make way for farms to feed our fat ungrateful faces, and a whole lot more. What's four more bombs, right?"

via Facebook http://activistsjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2013/07/day-408-take-that-you-stupid-planet.html

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Noam Chomsky Quotes

via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=604197132957711&id=272744022769692

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Meet The 17-Year-Old Who Blew The Lid Off Racial Profiling With His iPod

The random stop-and-fisking is to instill fear to control and attemp to limit crime that way. Obviously not an effective solution as this disturbs many lives. Most crime would be stopped through ensuring all the right to a proper life with a proper education and a proper way to make a living - Everyone should have a right to live a dignified life and not be harrassed by those who are meant to protect - even the police are doing this because it threatens their job, their income - thus support the Basic Income Guaranteed which provides all who would need with an income sufficient to live, thus you'd be able to stand up and say no to such practices without fear of losing your means of living.

via Facebook http://www.upworthy.com/meet-the-17-year-old-who-blew-the-lid-off-racial-profiling-with-his-ipod?g=4

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Jorge Villa

via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jorge.villa.18/posts/668147329866919

Adrian Blackburn

via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/adrianpblackburn/posts/10151695813683186

Monday, July 8, 2013

Noam Chomsky: Who Owns the Earth?

Wow this article really puts into perspective the point of 'borders', when you look at how/why they were formed in the first place, really makes you consider why they're still here, and really it seems to just serve as a line to fight across.. Definitely a Must-Read -

via Facebook http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/17402-who-owns-the-earth

My Existential History - Kryon - Part 21

"Wow... I remember going to the local library and picking up a copy of a Kryon book. I remember feeling a bit disenchanted in reading that a bunch of fluffy-sounding flower-hat blandishments and empty feel-good platitudes. Nothing in it about why there wasn't anything being communicated to anyone how to take practical steps in correcting what was going badly in this world for so many people. The book, in other words, was filled with useless information. THIS however, places invaluable worthwhile assistance and thus is the real thing. Thanks for the GIFTING!" - Darryl Thomas

via Facebook https://eqafe.com/p/my-existential-history-kryon-part-21

Friday, July 5, 2013

Noam Chomsky Quotes

via Facebook http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=591792000864891&id=272744022769692

Thursday, July 4, 2013

My Existential History - Kryon - Part 24

Did we create words, or did words create us? Do we define the words we live, or do words define who we are and what we live? How are words, through channeled messages, used as a tool to control human beings?

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/my-existential-history-kryon-part-24

Worry: The Nature of Worry - Atlanteans - Part 109

How is worry created within us? What other energies are involved within the creation of worry? Does worry have a purpose in our lives and experiences?

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/worry-the-nature-of-worry-atlanteans-part-109

The Crucifixion of Jesus - Part 38

*Living Words - Part 2: Clarity* How do you live the word "clarity"? What is clarity? What does it mean to live the word "clarity"? How can clarity support you in your process of self honesty?

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/the-crucifixion-of-jesus-part-38

Sins of the Fathers - Life Review

Why do sons feel compelled to "continue the legacy" of their fathers? How do sons, in one way or another, become their fathers? How do you stop the cycle of repeating and reliving the sins of the fathers?

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/sins-of-the-fathers-life-review

Talking to Animals - Reptilians - Part 206

*This is based on what is discussed in the Consciousness of the Panda interviews.* Why is there such a severe state of separation between animals and people? Why are people unable to communicate with animals? Was there ever a relationship based on communication between man and animals? Is there a potential for such a relationship to develop?

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/talking-to-animals-reptilians-part-206

The Consciousness of the Panda – Part 2

How do humans’ attempts at recreating natural environments influence animals' relationships with Nature? What are the consequences of this, to both animals and nature? Why is it so difficult for children to relate to animals when, for example, visiting Zoos?

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/the-consciousness-of-the-panda-part-2

Monday, July 1, 2013

Up and Down, Back and Forth - 2013 - The Future of Consciousness - Part 21

Why do we keep our perceptions about certain situations "negative"? How do these negative experiences toward the situations fuel a "positive reward" experience? How does this internal dynamic ensure that we never change?

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/up-and-down-back-and-forth-2013-the-future-of-consciousness-part-21

Stuck - The Soul of Money

How do we set ourselves up to remain within an undesired personal economic situation? How does our resistance toward our current financial position prevent us from improving our position? How can we assist and support ourselves to move ourselves out of this mindset to be able to change our financial situation?

via Facebook http://eqafe.com/p/stuck-the-soul-of-money