Saturday, March 8, 2014

Living Income Guaranteed Home - News, Education and Solutions

"South Africa has Problems, let me lay it out in a simple way - our electricity has Doubled in the past two years, and it will continue to go up, our #petrol has doubled in the past 7 years and its now going faster then ever up and up, we pay #Tax money to the #government to maintain our country and then the government implements this thing called E-Tolls - where you now pay fucking every-time you drive on the road, which is what Tax money was supposed to be for, and I drove into Johannesburg and out of #Johannesburg and they charged me R100 for that, one day, how the fuck do they expect people to pay that money that drives there everyday, #E-Tolls will be everywhere soon. and the petrol price keeps going up, and the #electricity keep going up, and the salaries stay the same. except for the people in government, the salaries are being rewarded. and thousands of people lose #jobs yearly. let us as #South-Africans wake up and investigate a new way of life - investigate these are just a few of the problems, the consequences of these changes are seen in crime rates going higher, rape and murder and many forms of abuse" Gian Robberts We even see this in the US where rents rise every year, prices rise, and yet wages stay the same - I agree it's time for a solution!

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